Halloween Is Almost Here… What Are YOU Doing to Reach Out?


As a new holiday/special event approaches, it gives you, the agent an opportunity to reach out to your past clients and your database…especially those with kids.

A great way to connect is to personally hand out “goodie bags” your clients.  You can also host a pumpkin carving party or even a Halloween party.  You can also do a contest for the best Halloween
Drawing or even a colouring contest.  These are also great ideas for those of you that do geographical farming.

This allows your clients to feel like they are part of your inner circle and NOT just your clients.

Also make sure that all of your clients and network are added in on your social media sites, that way you can keep an eye out on what’s going on with them and will allow you to engage and interact with them even though you are not physically in-front of them.

Speaking of social media, you could ask all of your friends to post their costumes and children’s costume on your page for a Costume Contest.  This will greatly increase the traffic on your social media accounts as well as your website.

On Halloween if you are giving out candy, it will allow you to meet the other homeowners in the area.  Feel free to chat them up about their children’s costumes.  Also don’t forget to add your business card to each treat you give out.