The Sales King Has Spoken: 6 Insights that Will Change Your Sales Game
Saw this on one of the Sales groups I follow.
Tony Robbins is Sale King and Motivator.
Working In the Last Quarter of The Year
For many of you, the end of the year is fast approaching. You may start to think if you are anywhere near the Goal that you set for yourself in 2015. Did the prospecting methods you chose work in your favour? What could you have done differently with a client?
How many of you are close to your goal? Are you trying to figure out what to do to get the last few clients serviced?
It may surprise you, but for the last few years, December has been one of the busiest months in real estate. So keep an open mind and know that anything is possible! If you believe that no one is buying or selling now, that is exactly what you will get.
Reach out to your past clients and your sphere. Touch base with everyone before the year is over. Try to schedule a coffee or lunch with everyone, especially your past clients. The holiday season is a great time to do that, however many people are busy, so START NOW! End off your year on a high note with you strengthening and maintaining your relationships. If you end the year off RIGHT, your new year will START the same way… RIGHT!
Laughter and a Good Lead
When you start working with online leads, you become skeptical of the leads that come into your system. Some may have fake info, weird names or even be located on another continent. One of our clients recently learned the lesson, that every lead is a good lead.
If you have worked with online leads, I am sure you have plenty of your very own funny stories to tell. Here is just one that we received from a client.
On another note I wanted to thank everyone at agent locator for a fabulous program that works!! I just removed conditions on a $600,000 deal which I would have not got if I had been for Ben initially reaching out and for the hard work for the team at Agentlocator! There is a funny story to this and I was nervous as the contact’s IP address was in Asia, I didn’t think he was a legitimate buyer. As the time came closer for him to come to Alberta I was getting more nervous about taking him out, I decided I would put bear spray in my purse! Well he was legitimate and what a wonderful young man. He was moving back from Asia after many years working there. Anyway, I would have never hooked up with him if it hadn’t been for your company! The second day out I left the spray at home!! – B. T.
29 Ways It Pays to Work With a Realtor
Here is a great image that I found, that truly shows “some” of the things that Realtors do for you, when you hire one.
Now, I do say “some” and not everything because Realtors do so much more than just what is below. They do far more than what the general public believe they do.
Hiring a Realtor is always the best option, when it comes to purchasing or selling one of your biggest financial investments of your life.
Before I leave just remember, not all Realtors are created equal. Interview a few and see who can truly deliver what you need.
Sometimes Things Are too Good to Pass By
You will thank me later for these pictures.
One of the things I love the most about our industry is the creative way we market ourselves and our properties. These marketing samples, I could not pass by. I just had to post it and hopefully you will find it as enjoyable as I have.
Happy Wednesday
I’ll Be There In Person
Hey guys,
For those of you who live in the Greater Toronto Area and would like to attend my in person training in Mississauga tomorrow. Tomorrow I will be covering How to Make Changes To Your Website by using the Website Editor.
If you will be in the Mississauga area around 1pm and want to attend, please email me and I will send you the directions.
Halloween Is Almost Here… What Are YOU Doing to Reach Out?
As a new holiday/special event approaches, it gives you, the agent an opportunity to reach out to your past clients and your database…especially those with kids.
A great way to connect is to personally hand out “goodie bags” your clients. You can also host a pumpkin carving party or even a Halloween party. You can also do a contest for the best Halloween
Drawing or even a colouring contest. These are also great ideas for those of you that do geographical farming.
This allows your clients to feel like they are part of your inner circle and NOT just your clients.
Also make sure that all of your clients and network are added in on your social media sites, that way you can keep an eye out on what’s going on with them and will allow you to engage and interact with them even though you are not physically in-front of them.
Speaking of social media, you could ask all of your friends to post their costumes and children’s costume on your page for a Costume Contest. This will greatly increase the traffic on your social media accounts as well as your website.
On Halloween if you are giving out candy, it will allow you to meet the other homeowners in the area. Feel free to chat them up about their children’s costumes. Also don’t forget to add your business card to each treat you give out.
Learn from the Masters: Interview with Manny Virk
The best way to learn how to truly convert online leads, is to learn from the Masters. Learn from the top agents who have mastered the conversion skill.
Have a listen to what Manny Virk of RE/MAX had to say.
Watch the Ross Bridges Interview Here
It was an absolute pleasure speaking with Ross Bridges yesterday. He provided me with a ton of useful tools for me to add into my Real Estate business. Have a listen, I am sure you will love his tips and tricks.
Converting Online Leads Interview with Ross Bridges
Next week we are interviewing real estate agent Ross Bridges who is with RE/MAX Aboutowne, he has been working with Internet leads for well over 2 years.
Don’t miss him on Wednesday at 11AM, register here: