Meet Roy Boni

Roy Boni is an agent that works in Northern Ontario, in the Barrie region.  He applies one of the most advanced selling systems in the area.  He helps his clients purchase and sell freehold and condo residential homes, investment properties as well as multi-family homes.    Relocation services and a referral service for relocation are also a value added for the buyer or seller moving in or out of the Barrie market.


As an experienced agent, who has been in business for years, Roy has seen all of the various markets and knows how to deal with each turn the market can make.

If you are looking to buy or sell in the Barrie area, then Roy is your guy!  He will always get you the best price whether you are selling or buying.  And he and his team, will help you every step of the way!

Give Roy a call today (705) 795-3409 or check out his website



What Buyers Want From YOU!

In order to truly be successful in real estate you need to master the Buyer client.  Buyers are not that difficult to deal with or understand, once you know what their top reasons are for hiring you.

There is an overwhelming need from buyers to find the right home to purchase.  This means as the agent, you are to find them the right neighbourhood/community that fits their needs and wants, plus finding them the correct home for the buyer client at this point in time or with the idea of any family changes.

Sometimes you are truly helping your client buy a starter home, with the intent to purchase a larger home in a few years.  Other times your client may want to buy their forever home right off the bat.  A home that they will be growing into.

Its your job to find them this home.  Also, clients need to rely heavily on your expertise and experience with the available neighbourhoods.   They may know what they want in a house, but not spend as much time thinking about what they want out of a neighbourhood.

Does it need to be near major highways, transportation, amenities, recreation, etc.


Where do the best Real Estate leads come from?

Trying to figure out where to spend your money when it comes to online lead generation? You are not the only real estate agent trying to find the best answer to this question. Here is my take on it:

First I’ll tell you exactly where to spend your money, later I’ll explain why.

1. Google
Start here, once you cap out your budget with Google meaning you have more money to spend but you can’t as you’re already maxing out our budget with Google move to #2.

2. Bing/Yahoo
Both Bing and Yahoo have advertising platforms just like Google where we are advertising to those searching for homes for sale in which ever area you work in. Once you max out our budget here move to #3.

3. Facebook
There are a lot of different ways you can target your core audience on Facebook. Pick one and stick to it for a while. Remember, on Facebook we are targeting curiosity, not many people are on Facebook looking for homes, they may be interested in buying/selling but they are not on Facebook looking for them.

Why do I think this is the way to go?

First thing we have to look at is intent. Those on search engines who are searching for keywords like “Homes for sale in Toronto” have the intent. We know that they want to see homes for sale and that’s about the only thing we can gauge from their search query.

The reason Google is the #1 search engine is simply because more people use Google. There is no quality difference of leads between Google & Yahoo.

Facebook & other social media websites are driven through targeting groups of users based on their interests and likes. The only problem is, there is no option to target people who Facebook thinks could be in the market for a home. You can however target those who are getting a divorce or just got engaged to name a couple.

Don’t get me wrong, Facebook advertising delivers leads, the only problem is the quality of those leads. I don’t want to praise that the quality of search engine leads is amazing as those leads have to be worked as well but when we compare search engine quality to social media quality, search engines win.

There are a few ways you can get going with a search engine PPC campaign. First, start your own, it’s gotten a little easier to create campaigns these days so you can always try it out. What you need to look at is the cost per lead. If your cost per lead exceeds $15/lead you should consider going on a PPC management plan as it would cost you less. You can easily see how many leads you can get by using the lead calculator.

Selling to Different Personality Types

Types of Buyers we Deal With

by Rhea Ramprashad

Have you noticed how most people don’t like salespeople, or being sold to? When people are asked what they don’t like about salespeople they say things like:

They’re too pushy
They don’t listen
They don’t really care about me
They’re only interested in selling me something
They get aggressive if I say I’m not interested

The odd thing though is that most people don’t like being sold to, but they do  like to buy things. So what’s the problem?

The problem is that many salespeople have a single, preferred style of selling and find it difficult to sell to different buyers. They use a strategy of making friends with customers and while this works sometimes, there are certain buyers who just don’t like this approach at all.

If you ask different people to describe their preferred way of buying. You get different replies:

I like to take my time
I’m an impulse buyer
I like my partner to be with me
I like to compare different products
I don’t like being sold to. I like to make my own mind up


One feature of modern, relationship selling is that we need to understand about peoples’ preferred buying behavior if we are to sell to more of them. It is a fact that people buy differently.

Some people prefer to buy quickly, others slowly. Some people need a lot of information and detail, for others a sheet of A4 with bullet points is all the information they need.

Some buyers make purchases on impulse; others take their time and try to avoid risk. Some buyers are very loyal; others will automatically choose the cheapest option. Some buyers can be quite intimidating to the point of being rude; others are quite passive and easily manipulated.

This makes selling a real challenge. To sell to all these different buyer types we need to be able to adapt our selling behaviour and make the buying process easy for each type of buyer we come across.
To begin this process we need to look at 2 aspects of buyer behavior; assertiveness and responsiveness.

People who are assertive are confident and know what they want. They are not afraid to put forward opinions and are willing to listen to the opinions of others. They are not afraid of conflict and will be more than happy to argue their case.

People who are highly assertive can be seen as being aggressive while people who lack assertiveness are often passive and get taken advantage of. There are times when it is appropriate to be more or less assertive and we need to recognize when these times are.

Responsiveness means the extent to which people are willing to respond to us and our questions. Some people are highly responsive and will give lots of information about themselves, their problems and needs. Others are unwilling or unable to respond in this way and we see these people often as being negative or difficult.
There are four basic styles of behaviour and these are determined by the way, in which people relate to one another.


The analytical buyer
People who lack assertiveness and responsiveness are called Analyticals. The analytical buyer distrusts salespeople because they lack precision. Analyticals like to analyse and compare things.
They take their time and are wary of making quick decisions. They deal in facts and like things to be objective rather than subjective. They tend not to confident in social situations and hate small talk.
They avoid risk taking and like things to be put in writing and in detail. They find salespeople to be intimidating especially if they feel under pressure. Their main tactic for getting rid of salespeople is to stop replying to their voice mails.

The amiable buyer
The amiable buyer is highly responsive, but not very assertive. They are very friendly, good in social situations and prefer friendly relationships to conflict. Many salespeople are amiable in their nature. Amiable buyers lack assertiveness so will agree to appointments and meetings, but are they wasting your time?

They tell you what the competition are up to, but what are they telling the competition about you? Look after your amiable customers. They are loyal and unlikely to move to a competitor because that involves a certain degree of conflict and they hate giving bad news. They are nice people to be around, but find difficulty saying no and in negotiations tend to give everything away.

The expressive buyer
The expressive buyer is highly assertive and highly responsive. They are impulse buyers with low boredom thresholds and a short attention span. They love to buy concepts and will make quick, if not always good, decisions.
They don’t want a lot of detail and will not read detailed proposals. They are not good listeners and like brainstorming sessions. They are confident and flamboyant, but not great when it comes to detailed thought and analysis.
In negotiations they start off strong but get bored and will often make a concession just to get things over with. Expressive buy on the day. Get some sort of commitment from them while you can. Once you have gone they will be moving on to their next project and will have forgotten about you.

The Driver
The Driver is highly assertive, but not very responsive. This is the typical negotiator. Tough, uncompromising, doesn’t suffer fools gladly and determined to be in charge. Drivers want to be in control and can appear to be aggressive if you don’t give them what they want. They seem unfriendly at first and will impose time deadlines on meetings.
The Driver doesn’t want to be your friend, so the typical salesperson will irritate the Driver, who will often bully the salesperson into submission. The Driver drives a hard bargain and wants to win.

So, how do we deal with them?

The answer is that they need to be dealt with differently. We have to match their preferred style by becoming more or less assertive and responsive. The simplest way to sum this up is that drivers like to buy from drivers, amiables like to buy from amiables, expressives like to buy from expressives and analyticals like to buy from analyticals.

Whatever our preferred style we have to match the behaviour of the person we are selling to. Speed up, slow down, get into the detail, sell concepts, be friends, or don’t bother.


The analytical buyer
Don’t be pushy
Take your time
Action rather than words
Give details
Stick to specifics – and don’t overstate
Discuss reasons and ask `why?’ questions

The amiable buyer
Be friendly
Seek common ground
Find out about personal interests
Be patient
Give personal assurance
Take your time to be agreeable
Focus discussion on `how’
Demonstrate low risk solutions

The expressive buyer
Ask open questions
Keep the pace – don’t make them bored
Keep summarizing
Work out specifics on points of agreement
Try short, fast moving experience stories
Get commitment today

The driver
Be assertive. Use eye contact
Discuss actions and results
Keep it to the facts
Get to the point fast
Tell him what’s in it for him up front
Learn how to say no


People buy differently,…so we should sell to them differently try to Determine their type within the first few  minutes, Be flexible, Learn to shift. Understand your own preferred style and the strengths and weaknesses it brings to the way you sell. You have to learn to be flexible if you are going to sell to a wider range of people. Work on being more or less assertive and more or less responsive and you will sell to more people.

Our Featured Agents

In real estate there is so much to learn from sales skills, to technology to keeping up with the industry.  Being a successful agent has more to do with the amount of deals you close; it has to deal with the way you treat your clients, your co-workers, and everyone else.

We come across many agents each year and we would like to feature some of the amazing agents we have met along the way; thus the Featured Agent section.

Sit back and enjoy this section.   If you know one of the agents we have featured, please feel free to comment below with your experiences.


Wishing everyone a Happy Family Day and we truly hope that you do get some time to spend with your family on this day.  With all the hustle and bustle of a realtors life, work sometimes can get in the way of the work personal life balance.

Enjoy the moments you have today (and everyday) and try to do something new with your loved ones!



Selling Skillfully

Over time I have come across such amazing content, that I cannot help but want to share.  Today’s post / tip is no different.  Bruce Keith is a Real Estate mentor, whose knowledge is infinite.

Selling Skillfully 

By Bruce Keith

TWO MORE SECRETS…here’s two great sales tips that every Salesperson should have in their back pocket. They are techniques that you can deliver very naturally. Both these approaches will help you be much more compelling in your conversations and presentations.

Here is your ACTION STEP…
Tip 1. When quoting a number as in a statistic, pause and repeat the number a second time with emphasis…“Mr. Customer, there have been 16 sales in this area this month… 16!!!” Get in the habit of doing this automatically. By saying the number the second time with energy it reinforces the significance of the number. Very effective.

Tip 2. When your Client seems to be skeptical of a point you are endeavoring to help them accept often times the best approach is to use a “third-party” example…. “Mr. Customer, recently I had a customer who was in the same position as you are right now. May I explain? Their situation was (describe the previous client’s scenario so your current customer can see how it parallels their situation).”
Then go on to say, “What they decided to do was go ahead and accept the offer because in the long run that was in their best interest. Here we are three months later and they’re very happy that they did. Can you see how it would be best for you to do the same thing?”
By introducing the “third party” example you will help put them at ease. The reason this is so effective is now they do not feel they are the first ones ever in this position. Works very well.

These two tips are examples of what makes the difference between good Salespeople and great Salespeople. Add these two approaches to your repertoire and keep growing. NO Excuses.


Do You Know Your Value

The industry has changed so much over the course of the last few years. Potential sellers and buyers are now able to get more information online about the housing marketing than ever before.  With the increase of buyer and seller “knowledge”, you have witnessed a direct increase in agent’s cutting their commission.  Sellers will ask you to cut your commission because they don’t believe in the value of your services. Do you know what your value is? Do you know how to properly explain the value of your services and expertise to them?

If you don’t know how to explain your value, can you really expect them to know it?  

The Successful Are Doing It… ARE YOU?

Video marketing is truly where the Real Estate industry has headed and I’m not referring to Virtual tours.

Videos are really where it is at.  There’s not many cons when it comes to video marketing, if any, but the benefits certainly outweigh any cons there might be.

Video marketing is one of the best ways to reach out to online prospects that you have.  It gives them a sense of who you are and what you are about.  It allows you to build rapport, which is something that is very difficult to build using email.   It certainly can be far quicker than typing up a letter or even a blog post.

Videos can be used in blog posts aka vlog, it can be on your website, it can be used in email, on social media.  Essentially it can be used everywhere.

The other great thing about videos, is that today’s customer, is more likely to click the Play button then read an article that you have written.   A detailed study by A.C. Nielsen in 2011 has reported that approximately 76 percent of US citizens spend 43 hours a month on the Internet. During this time they view more than 3237 web pages, including videos. In 2012, people in the US watched more than 21 billion videos online, which indicates that video marketing can be the most powerful way to reach to their target markets.


Advantages of video marketing – Sourced By WPGurus

– One of the biggest advantages of video marketing is that is helps you in reaching out to millions of people within a short time, and without spending too many of your marketing dollars. Your video can also go viral and gain millions of views within days. Imagine the benefits for your business. There is no other form of marketing that can offer such impressive results at such a low price

– With audio visuals, you can easily pass your marketing message more effectively because this particular medium appeals to several senses. The use of sound and images elicits feeling and better understanding of the idea. Moreover, watching the message needs little attention and can retain people who would have otherwise opted for other things.

– One of the best advantages of video marketing is that it increases the duration that a person spends on a web page. Your target audience will remember what they saw and heard unlike other marketing methods. This is the best way to present your products, service and explain how they work. Today you can use social media and emails to distribute your videos.

– Innovative technology has allowed cheap production of videos because hardware such as editing suites, cameras, and other important items are now available at cheap rates. Many companies are now offering video production facilities at affordable prices to businesses.

– Use of audio visuals also helps you in winning the trust of audience because they understand that it takes time and efforts to product marketing messages. This also creates an impression that company is really serious and cares about their image and wants to capture attention. As you know, success starts with the first impression that your target audience has about you and this is the best way to create a favorable image.

– Past research shows than more than 79 percent of people who use the Internet frequently watch various videos. This makes this a powerful medium, and if it is well packaged and used effectively can work wonders for any company.

– While using search engine, Internet users check what all is listed on the second page of the results. Mostly, videos are give much higher priority than pictures, text and audio files thus giving you a much better chance to pass on your marketing message. By adding videos to your website, you can help it rank high and make your company more noticeable.

– One of the best advantages of video marketing is that videos you create will last for years and will get you more exposure with time. Usually ads die out within a short time, but opposite is true with viral videos, so you will continue to reap benefits for years.